Norwich Lions remember Henry Scheier

Our friend and fellow Norwich Lion, Henry Scheier, passed away on July 15th, 2021. He was a man who loved the Lions and was involved in many ways.
We remember him as the linchpin to the behind-the-scenes accounting of proceeds for the Norwich Fair and for many other club activities, including running the annual selection of a Melvin Jones Award recipient and selection of candidates for the annual election of officers.
Henry was the keeper of the Norwich Fair tickets and their proceeds. He managed pre-fair sales at Dan and Whit’s General Store and tracked receipts versus tickets sold every night of the fair. He was often on the scene in both settings. His leadership was key to the financial success of the fair.

Henry joined the Norwich Lions Club in 1993 and served as its treasurer for three years, starting 1997. He assumed the role of fair treasurer in 2008 and continued until the time of Covid.
He served on several club committees, including: fair, finance, constitution and bylaws, nominating of officers, and choosing Melvin Jones Award recipients. His efforts won him a 2005 Melvin Jones Award, well deserved both for his efforts on behalf of the club and because of his generous financial support of the Lions Club International Foundation.

Henry was active in the community, as well. He served as chair of the Dresden Finance Committee and as an auditor of Norwich town finances. He encouraged the revitalization of the non-profit Friends of Track that supported the track program at Hanover High School. He loved to read to children as part of the Hartford Schools “Everybody Wins” program at the White River School, year-to-year. He applied his financial skills as treasurer of Matt Dunne’s Gubernatorial campaign.
Professionally, Henry founded a financial planning services company, Fine Plan Professional Corporation, in the early 1990s, which he continued until January of 2020. He served as President of the Vermont Society of Certified Public Accountants.

Here are some memories of Henry from fellow Lions:
- “Henry and I had a healthy, eye-rolling, collegial relationship that was rooted in deep fondness.”
- “Henry was a great guy and a perfectionist as well as a great mentor to me.”
- “Henry never said no to any fair task…”
- “Many fond memories throughout our years together in the club as we served on several committees and Board of Directors at the same time.”
We share his loss with his wife, Edye Scheier, and his extended family. Edye tells us that Henry lived by the credo, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Story by Lion, Stephen Flanders