Norwich Lions Club MEMBERS (2019-2020)
Standing Committees (with assigned VPs) meet and provide club members with briefings and updates on a scheduled basis:
- Activities and Services for Children (VP—Dave Barthel); Richard Neugass Chair, David Lemal, Cheryl Brush
- Fair (VP – Peter Stanzel): Gary DeGasta Chair, Roy Black, Fran DeGasta, Rick Tucker, Mel Aaron
- Finance (VP – Dave Barthel): Nico Bekker Chair, Mel Aaron, Roy Black, Cheryl Brush, Gary DeGasta, Fran DeGasta and Sean Kenny
- Information Technology (VP – Peter Stanzel): Dave Barthel Chair, Kyle Koehler, Mel Aaron, Richard Neugass, Nicole Vecchi
- Membership (VP – Peter Stanzel): Ciaran Geraghty Chair, Demo Sofronas, Richard Neugass, Harjit Rakhra, Fran Degasta, Steve Flanders
- Program – (VP – Peter Stanzel): Warren Thayer Chair, Fran Degasta, Jim Maguire, Sean Kenny, Glenn Britton
- PR/Communications (VP – Nico Bekker): Stephen Flanders Chair, Richard Neugass, Phil Wheeler, Mickey Elsberg, Harjit Rakhra, Warren Thayer, Demo Sofronas
Activities Committees (with assigned VPs) meet and provide club briefings when necessary.
- Constitution and By-Laws (VP – Dave Barthel): Steve Flanders Chair, Phil Wheeler, Sean Kenny
- Health Services (VP – Peter Stanzel): Rusty Bernal Chair, Fran De Gasta, John Lawe, Glenn Britton
- Meadow Muffins (VP – Nico Bekker): Steve Flanders Chair, Cheryl Brush; Dave Delucia (Honorary), Phil Wheeler
- Meals/Christmas Party (VP – Nico Bekker): Debbie Bernal Chair, Fran De Gasta, Cheryl Brush, Nicole Vecchi
- Melvin Jones (VP – Peter Stanzel): Phil Wheeler Chair, Rusty Bernal, Gary De Gasta
- Memory Tree/Scrap Book (VP – Dave Barthel): VACANT Chair, Harjit Rakhra, Ray Royce
- Nominating (VP – Nico Bekker): Rosanne Maguire Chair, Rusty Bernal, Demo Sofronas
- Traveling Lion (VP – Dave Barthel): Jim Maguire Chair, Cheryl Brush
- Twin States Soccer (VP – Nico Bekker): Cheryl Brush Chair, Ciaran Geraghty, Roy Black
- Fund Raising (VP – Nico Bekker): Fran De Gasta Chair, Glenn Britton, Rosanne Maguire, Steve Flanders
- Silent Auction (VP – Peter Stanzel): Cheryl Brush Chair, Rosanne Maguire, Steve Flanders
- Vision Screening (VP – Dave Barthel): Gary De Gasta Chair, Cheryl Brush, Dave Lemal , Steve Flanders, Richard Neugass